For fans of Morbid Angel (early), Angelcorpse, Absu, and Satyricon
" “A Mutilator At Large” really is a very good song from the beginning, but starting about one minute, forty-five seconds in, the song becomes fantastic. Before then, it ravages and thunders with highly infectious energy and rampaging ferocity, with a fast, pulsating riff in the center of the music that’s very infectious by itself. And then the music begins to change, becoming more anguished and bereaved."
Appalling is:
JA - Bass
B - Drums
BM - Vocals
DM - Guitars
JK - Guitars
All music written and performed by
Engineered and mixed by Thomas "Rusty" Scott
at the Ward, Richmond, Virginia
Mastered by John Demaio
Cover Art by Joe Keinberger
( @joekeinberger_art)
Layout design by Thomas Haywood